Frequently Asked Questions:
Revised Streetscape Weed Management Strategy
Background information
For background information on the Town’s weed management approach, please refer to Weed Management.
What is changing?
The type of weed treatments used on local roads will change from November 2023.
As shown on the map below, the local roads will be treated with glyphosate (a herbicide). Glyphosate will be applied to weeds growing on hard surfaces three times per year; in November, May and August (depending on weather conditions). Glyphosate will be applied using a vehicle, with measures in place to minimise spray drift. Areas adjacent to sensitive sites (e.g. schools, childcare centres) will continue to be treated with steam.

Why is it changing?
A two-year monitoring assessment of the effectiveness of steam weeding identified limitations in the ability of steam to control weeds with underground storage structures. Despite monthly treatments from April to August in some areas (Guildford Road and Collier Road), mature rhizomes and some clumping grasses re-grew between treatments. As a result, the type of treatments used on local roads will change from November 2023.
What areas of the streetscape are treated?
Weed control is undertaken on hard surfaces (e.g. footpaths, kerb lines) and median and garden bed areas managed by the Town. This includes the hardstand areas outside residential properties (footpaths and kerb lines) but does not include the residential verges (e.g. grassed areas or garden beds).
Main Roads WA is responsible for weed control on Guildford Road, excluding footpaths.
How will the risks of herbicide use be managed?
APVMA approved products will be used, and all works will be undertaken in compliance with the product label instructions and Safety Data Sheets. Compliance with the following internal policies and guidelines will also be required:
- WHS 030 Pesticide Use and Management Policy and Operational Guidelines
- Pesticide Application Register
- Risk Assessment Template
- Pesticide Notification Plan.
The contracted works are overseen by a nominated officer from the Town, who undertakes regular inspections and audits of work being undertaken. Photo monitoring will monitor effectiveness over time.
When will the changes start?
The new weed management approach will commence in November 2023. High frequency sensitive areas will continue to be treated with steam. The indicative works schedule is outlined below:

‘No spray’ list
Residents or ratepayers can register for the footpaths and kerb line adjacent to their property to be left untreated with herbicides. Complete the online form to register for the ‘no spray list’.
The ‘no spray” list only applies to local government road reserves and activities of the Town of Bassendean and its contractors.
Registration to the ‘no spray list’ requires residents or ratepayers to commit to maintaining hardstand areas in front of their property in a weed-free condition. The Town reserves the right to apply herbicides to the hardstand areas if the weed-free condition is not maintained.
What alternatives are being trialled?
The Town is a member of the WALGA Local Government Integrated Weed Management Working Group, which shares information about new methods and technologies for weed management. As part of the group the Town has previously participated in a trial on electric weeding.
The Town is committed to reducing the use of herbicides in weed control, where the alternative methodology provides effective and efficient control. The Town will continue to investigate alternatives for herbicide use in streetscapes as new technologies become commercially available.
Further information
For further information on streetscape weed management, please contact Sustainability and Environment through Customer Service on 08 9377 8000.
How can you help?
Residents can help with weed management in the Town of Bassendean by:
- Controlling weeds on your property to prevent weed seed spread into streetscapes, parks and natural areas.
- Planting natives in your garden. The Town runs an annual Plants to Residents program to help residents purchase local native plants at a subsidised rate. The website Grow Me Instead, Water Corporation’s Waterwise plants selector and the Town’s verge treatment guidelines are great resources to help with plant selection.
- Mulching your garden to help in suppressing weeds. The Town provides free mulch to residents (subject to availability), which is available from the Depot (69 Scaddan Street, Bassendean). Call (08) 9377 9000 to check availability.
- Join a local Friends or Environmental Group to help manage weeds in natural areas.