Environmental Projects

The Town values and understands the importance of its natural areas and waterways. Priorities identified in the 2020-2030 Strategic Community Plan include to value and conserve and protect our water resources and water ways through the implementation of waterwise initiative and policies and converting drainage infrastructure into living streams and to conserve, protect and enhance our natural environmental and biodiversity.

Bassendean Green Trail

In 2020, the State Government began construction on a principal shared pathway (PSP) next to the Success Hill Train Station, closing the final gap in the Perth to Midland PSP. As part of the project, the Department of Transport, Main Roads WA and Town of Bassendean developed the Green Trail initiative to add native landscaping to the area along the new path, and broader route. The State Government-funded initiative is the second of its kind in WA and will create a shaded and scenic route for walkers and riders alike.

The Department of Transport has recently published their evaluation report for the Bassendean Green Trail Pilot Project, which showcases tangible benefits within the community. Bassendean Green Trail's success suggest similar projects could be effective elsewhere. The evaluation summary underlines unanimous support for the implementation of green routes along active transport pathways.

Bassendean Green Trail Gallery

The Town of Bassendean Green Trail Gallery is a digital art trail showcasing the talents of young, local artists with the aim of creating moments of engagement for the trail.

Between First and Third Avenue, artworks created by Cyril Jackson Senior Campus art students are on display, accessed by a QR code.  Each artwork is designed in collaboration with a Sound Artist, to create an evocative experience whilst walking along the pathway. Local history, archival images and stories were the starting point for the project, utilising information found in the Towns local studies collection.   This was done with the support of professional artists as they created works in response to the location.


Lead Creative                        Steve Berrick

Sound Artist                           Mei Swan Lim

Contributing Artist                  Marie Molloy

Project Coordinator               Gabriella Filippi

Bassendean Green Trail Landscaping

On ground works for the Green Trail initiative started in May 2021 with a community tree planting day, where residents assisted in the installation of 39 street trees along the PSP, from the river end of Railway Parade to the railway underpass. Planting works started in June, with students from La Salle College participating in planting days to work towards their Certificate II Active Volunteering Course. 2021 planting works will extend from the river end of Railway Parade to the Bassendean Train Station, using a selection of native waterwise plants. Over 6,000 plants will be used to create a scenic walking and cycling route, provide local cooling benefits and provide additional habitat within the Town.

Palmerston Reserve Stage 3 Project

Site preparation commenced in November 2022 for a future planting site at the north east of the Reserve, with 2,200 low growing native species planted in winter 2023. Plants were installed with assistance from La Salle College, Sparx Early Learning Centre and a Town of Bassendean staff planting day. A concrete mowing kerb, mulch and informal log seating have also been installed.

For details please contact Sustainability & Environment on 9377 8000.

Success Hill Reserve Drainage Project

The Town has been investigating options for stormwater drainage at Success Hill Reserve, since failure of a previous spillway structure and installation of a temporary pipe in 2018. Stormwater from streets within the surrounding residential catchment area enters piped drains, which then flows to Success Hill Reserve before entering the Swan River. The option currently being investigated involves installation of underground stormwater infiltration cells and an above ground stormwater basin, on the grassed area of Success Hill Reserve. The stormwater will infiltrate into the groundwater, eliminating the requirement for a pipe outlet to the river which will be decommissioned. 

Geotechnical and permeability testing will be undertaken in the coming months, to confirm feasibility of this solution. For details please contact Infrastructure on 9377 9000.

Bindaring Park Living Stream

In 2021, the Town of Bassendean commenced a living stream project within the northern extent of Bindaring Park. The goals of the project are to:

  • Increase native vegetation and habitat for native fauna in the reserve
  • Improve water quality entering the into the Swan River through Bindaring Park
  • Reduce weed presence in Bindaring Park and associated fire hazards from annual and perennial weeds.

The Town is conducting annual weed control and revegetation works within Bindaring Park to achieve the above objectives.

In early 2023, the Town received funding from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) through the Swan Canning Riverpark Urban Forest (SCRUF) program to implement the 2023 weed control and revegetation works. In late 2023, the Town received further funding through the SCRUF program to implement the 2024 and 2025 stages of the living stream. Further information on the funding program can be found here. 

The Town has been partnering with La Salle College students to deliver this living stream project, with the students providing over 1,400 volunteer hours for works in Bindaring Living Stream and other natural area projects in the Town since 2021.


Success Hill Reserve Riverine Slope Rehabilitation

In 2022, the Town of Bassendean and Friends of Success Hill Reserve received funding through the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions’ (DBCA) Community Rivercare Program to rehabilitate the slope leading from the upland bush area of Success Hill Reserve to the river edge. The program focused on initial removal of Lantana, a Weed of National Significance, from the foreshore slope and installation of local native tubestock to improve the habitat value provided by the Lantana. Friends of Success Hill provided in kind support to the project by undertaking manual weeding and revegetation of a buffer area between the upland bush area and the slope.  The initial works achieved removal of Lantana from a 966m2 area of the slope, and installation of 235 seedlings by a contractor, and hand weeding of a 1,000 m2 area and installation of 1,903 seedlings by the Friends of Success Hill in the buffer zone to improve the value of this foreshore habitat.

In early 2023, the Town received funding from the Department of Biodiversity Conservation, and Attractions (DBCA) through the Swan Canning Riverpark Urban Forest (SCRUF) program to continue removal of Lantana and expand the program to include other woody weeds and high priority weeds for control such as Bridal Creeper and Arum Lily. In late 2023, the Town received further funding to continue these works into 2024 and 2025. Further information of the funding program can be found here.


Mary Crescent Reserve Micro Wetland

The 2021 Our Park, Our Place project was a collaborative project aimed at reconnecting people with nature in their neighbourhood. The broader project was run by Greening Australia and the Behaviour Change Collaborative, and funded through a Lotterywest grant. The project had a strong focus on working together with local governments in some of Perth’s most heat-stressed areas to enhance the wellbeing of residents. Further information on the larger project can be viewed on the Greening Australia website.  

In the Town of Bassendean, Mary Crescent Reserve in Eden Hill was selected as the project site. After initial community consultation identified the storm water basin as an area of interest for rehabilitation, the Town sought additional funding from the Water Corporation through the Drains to Liveability Program, to assist in transforming the storm water basin into a micro wetland. The project was concluded in February 2022, and had encompassed several community events, works shops focus on sustainability, and planting days. 

More information on the micro wetland construction can be found on the Town's YouTube page

Additional hydrozoning to replace irrigated grass with native Waterwise species was completed in 2022 with the assistance of the community and school groups in planting and weeding days. 


The Our Park, Our Place project activities in Perth have been supported by Lotterywest and delivered as part of Greening Australia’s Nature in Cities program. This project was also supported by Water Corporation’s Drainage for Liveability program. The program, which upgraded Mary Crescent basin, illustrates how functional stormwater drains and basins can continue to serve as flood prevention while also enhancing the liveability of our suburbs.

Point Reserve Foreshore Concept Plan

A foreshore concept plan has been developed to guide future works and environmental restoration at Point Reserve. Development of the Point Reserve Foreshore Plan involved a river value desktop assessment, workshops with Bassendean Primary River Rangers and Councillors and community and stakeholder consultation on multiple options. In February 2023, Council resolved to approve the Foreshore Plan with inclusion of specific elements in the final concept. The next stage will involve detailed design development. 

Point Reserve Foreshore Plan

Town of Bassendean Foreshore Assessment

in 2021, Town of Bassendean engaged an engineer specialising in coastal and foreshore areas to undertake an assessment of the Town's foreshore areas, examine rates of erosion and identify priorities for erosion mitigation works. The Town of Bassendean manages around a third of the Swan River foreshore, with the remaining land under private ownership or management of the State Government. Ongoing assessment of the Town managed foreshore will be undertaken annually to monitor erosion progression and identify any changes to the priority areas.