Natural Environment and Sustainability Statement

In July 2020, Council adopted a new Strategic Community Plan (SCP), which defines the Town’s vision, aspirations and priorities for the next 10 years. It is the key guiding document that informs all other plans, strategies and policies and the Town’s actions and decisions.

One of the seven priority areas is “Leading environmental sustainability”, which seeks to demonstrate strong leadership in waste reduction and carbon neutrality, conserve, protect and enhance the natural environment and support the creation of a more green and shaded Town.

Whilst the SCP is a high-level, strategic document, it clearly demonstrates the Town’s desire to honour the principles of the One Planet Living framework and deliver a Town that is “Green and Natural” and “Sustainable”.

The Statement below outlines the Town's commitments, goals and associated strategies and actions relating to these outcomes, and how the community can contribute in the following areas:

  • Living more sustainably
  • Protect our waterways
  • Wildlife friendly gardens/ urban cooling
  • Events and volunteering.

Natural Environment and Sustainability Statement

Corporate Emissions Reduction Strategy 2022-2024

In June 2022, the Town's Corporate Management Committee approved an Emissions Reduction Strategy for the organisation. Aligned with the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Organisations, the Strategy outlines the Town’s approach to measure, reduce and offset emissions associated with its operations, to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2030. The Town will achieve this goal in 2021/22, for Scope 1 and 2 emissions and Western Power Streetlighting.

Climate change mitigation is a key commitment of the Town, being a signatory to the Western Australian Local Government Association Climate Change Declaration in 2012. Key achievements completed to date include installation of renewable energy systems, LED lighting retrofits, a significant reduction in the Administration passenger vehicle fleet (19 combustion engines to 3 hybrids) and from October 2021 purchase of 100% renewable energy for Town buildings/ facilities.

Future steps involving validation and reporting will be considered in 2024 to align with the major review of the Town’s Strategic Community Plan.

Town of Bassendean Corporate Emissions Reduction Strategy 2022-2024