Tenders and procurement

The Town of Bassendean uses the Tenderlink e-Procurement portal to streamline the tendering (RFT), quotation (RFQ) and Expression of Interest (EOI) processes. 

Tenderlink e-Procurement Portal

Companies can download tender documents directly from TenderLink after a free registration. 

Tender documentation must be submitted electronically via the Town’s e-Procurement portal no later than the closing times. Completed tenders must be submitted in accordance with the Request for Tender documents. 

Respondents will receive a Successful Submission Receipt timed and dated upon completion. Should assistance be required please use the online manual on the portal under Support/Online Manuals/Making a Submission or contact Tenderlink Customer Support on 1800-233-533.

Responses submitted by facsimile, mail, electronic mail or hand delivery will not be accepted for evaluation. Tenders received after the closing time or in a manner other than that stipulated in the Request for Tender documents shall be non-conforming and will be rejected. 

Canvassing of any Town of Bassendean Councillors or Officers will disqualify Tenderers from the Tender process.

Standard Conditions of Quotation & Contract

Standard Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Goods or Services

Tender register


RFT 01/2024 Plumbing and Gas Services – Reactive and Minor Works

RFT 02/2024 Bassendean Oval Precinct Redevelopment Project – Feasibility Study (Including Masterplan and Business Case) and Funding Procurement

RFT 03/2024 Supply of Bassendean Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan

RFT 04/2024 Turf Maintenance and Grass Reduction Services at Nominated Locations


RFT 01/2023 Concrete Footpaths, Crossovers, Kerbing and Pram Ramps

RFT 02/2023 Supply and Installation of a Bore at Ashfield Reserve

RFT 03/2023 Bassendean Oval Lighting Upgrade Project

RFT 04/2023 Supply and Installation of a Bore at Ashfield Reserve (Re-Tender)

RFT 05/2023 Provision of Arboricultural Services

RFT 06/2023 Sale of Land: 14 (Lot 103) Iveson Place, Bassendean


RFT 01/2022 Street Sweeping

RFT 02/2022 Provisions of Tree Pruning Services

RFT 04/2022 Weed Control for Environmental Weeds in The Town of Bassendean


EOI 01/2021 Disposal of 1 (Lot 50) Surrey Street, Bassendean

RFT 02/2021 Design and Construction of Success Hill Drainage System

RFT 03/2021 Supply, Preparation and Installation of Turf and Turf Renovation Services

RFT 01/2021 Construction of a Nature Play Space at Sandy Beach Reserve 

Recently awarded contracts


RFT 02/2020 Concrete Footpaths, Crossovers, Kerbing and Pram Ramps

RFT 03/2020 Provision of Turf Maintenance at Bassendean Oval, Ashfield Reserve and Jubilee Reserve

RFT 04/2020 Sale of Land: Lot 8713 (No. 48) Chapman Street, Bassendean

RFT 05/2020 Sale of Land: Lot 7557 (No. 93) Lord Street, Eden Hill

 RFT 06/2020 Lease of 128 Ivanhoe Street, Eden Hill – Child Care Centre


RFT 02/2019 Cleaning of all Council Facilities

RFT 03/2019 Plumbing and Gas Services

RFT 05/2019 Tree Pruning Services

RFT 06/2019 Conservation Works Surrey st

RFT 089 2018-19 Design and Construction of Men's Shed