Draft Point Reserve Foreshore Plan – Consultation Survey (Closed)
Posted: 28/09/2022 Closing Date: 31/10/2022 05:00 PM
Point Reserve is a riverside park in Bassendean located at the confluence of the Swan and Helena Rivers, which has for many years been enjoyed by locals as a place to connect with the Swan River and each other.
A draft Foreshore Plan has been developed for Point Reserve, and we are seeking feedback from the community on various options identified for the site.
The Plan aims to balance the requirement to protect and enhance the natural values of Point Reserve and its location on the Swan River foreshore, while providing recreational spaces for the community to enjoy.
In developing the Draft Plan, key consideration has been given to the limitations, strengths and opportunities of the site, as well as its natural, social, historical and cultural heritage values. The location of the lower area of Point Reserve within the Swan River floodway is a key consideration when considering future upgrades.
To have your say please complete the online consultation survey here:
For further information or to receive a printed copy of the survey please contact Sustainability & Environment by email [email protected] or call 9377 8000.

The survey closes on 31st October, 2022 at 17:00 and we hope you can contribute.