Update: Ashfield Flats Hydrological Study

Published on Thursday, 10 March 2022 at 9:55:21 AM

Ashfield Flats Hydrological Study

The Department of Biodiversity, Conversation and Attractions (DBCA) has completed the Hydrological study of Ashfield Flats with the findings now available for review.

Below is a background to the study but you can find all the related information and documentation relating to the findings on the DBCA website: 

Ashfield Flats Hydrological Study findings

Ashfield Flats Reserve is in the Town of Bassendean on the floodplain of the Swan River. It is valued by the local community for its open space, access to the river, and natural features. The reserve contains an occurrence of a Subtropical and Temperate Coastal Saltmarsh community, which is listed as a threatened ecological community (TEC) under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. This TEC is listed as vulnerable as it is considered to face a high risk of extinction in the medium-term future.

The reserve is transected by two main drains, which display elevated concentrations of nutrients and heavy metals that discharge to the Swan River. Land managers identified that gaining an understanding of the site’s hydrology was a crucial first step to informing its future management. The hydrological study aimed to identify the dominant hydrological processes at the reserve by undertaking a two-year monitoring program of water flows, surface and groundwater levels, water and sediment quality, and develop hydrological models.   

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