The information here is about this place. This includes information about this park - The Lookout and the significance of the amazing view in front of you – The Ashfield Flats.
Press Play and select the "Listen in Browser" button to listen to the stories below.
Jeremy Maher – Ashfield Flats biodiversity
Paul bridges - The BPG and the History of the Ashfield Flats

Lucy Bromell - The Lookout
The stories below are small sections of interviews done with local residents. These Oral histories are housed in the Local Studies Collection at the Town of Bassendean Library.
Again, these stories have connection to this place.
The Local Studies collection has a large selection of stories that are by people that have had an impact on the community of Bassendean and Ashfield.
To hear more of these stories please contact the Town of Bassendean Library.
Carlie Bently - Growing seeds and building the boardwalk BPG
Carlie Bently - About the BPG