Draft Point Reserve Foreshore Plan – Consultation Survey

Question 2: If you visit Point Reserve, why do you visit? (pick up to 3 activities)*This field is required.

River water quality

(Please note that the river at Point Reserve is rated as ‘Poor or Very Poor’ for bacterial water quality with a Department of Health recommendation to avoid swimming. For details refer to: Beach grades for Swan and Canning Rivers (health.wa.gov.au)).



In developing the Point Reserve Foreshore Plan, we have identified options for the community to provide feedback on.

Please refer to Section 7 of the attached Draft Foreshore Plan for an explanation of each option, as well as images and concept plans to assist in visualisation of the plan elements.  Please note these are provided for indicative purposes only and may not represent the actual outcome.

Question 4: Please indicate your level of support for each of the following options:

Question 4: Please indicate your level of support for each of the following options (Refer to Section 7 of Draft Foreshore Plan for details):

Area for improvement

Area for improvement

Location of playground and carpark

Location of playground and carpark

Jetty/ boardwalk options

Jetty/ boardwalk options

Different path configurations

Different path configurations

Path material (Options 11 and 12)

Path material (options 11 and 12)

Question 5: Additional Elements

Question 5: Additional Elements

Please select whether you support inclusion of the following proposed elements:

Question 6. Do you have any other suggestions for Point Reserve?

Question 6. Do you have any other suggestions for Point Reserve? If yes, please list your top 3 priorities (optional)?

The Town is investigating options to re-home the geese that visit Point Reserve.

The Town is investigating options to re-home the geese that visit Point Reserve. Artificial feeding has resulted in some of the geese being affected by “angel wing”, a deformity caused by an unhealthy diet high in protein and carbohydrates (most likely bread). The deformity is caused by rapid wing development that outgrows proper bone support.

In addition, as geese are domestic birds they can disrupt local food webs/ the natural ecosystem, their droppings contribute nutrients that cause poor water quality/ algal blooms in the river and they can be aggressive.

For more information on wildlife health please visit Wildlife Health - Healthy Wildlife, Healthy Lives (perthnrm.com)

Engagement from here

Engagement from here:

Would you like to receive updates on the outcomes of the consultation and future works?
Would you be interested in being part of a Bushcare Volunteer Group for Point Reserve?
We are interested in seeking input on Aboriginal/ dual naming and inclusion of cultural elements for multiple open space areas in Bassendean, including Point Reserve. Are you an Aboriginal person with a connection to the area, who is interested in providing ideas/ suggestions?
(If yes to any of the above), please provide your contact details:

(If yes to any of the above), please provide your contact details:

Next Steps:

Next steps:

All survey responses will be considered by the Town of Bassendean, together with input from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.


A final Point Reserve Foreshore Plan will then be prepared for endorsement by Council, following which detailed design development will commence. The timing for implementation will be staged and guided by external funding sources and available budget.

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