COPY DO NOT USE- Casual Booking and Events Application

Event Application (Part 1)

An ‘event’ is defined as any gathering of people brought together for a common purpose by some prearrangement.

Pursuant to Section 176 of the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911, organisers looking to hold a public event, either on public or private land must lodge an application to the Town, unless the event is held within a permanent facility approved to conduct similar events. Further, an application is required to be submitted to conduct any event,  that is public or private in a Town facility or reserve.

For more information, please visit Organising a Community Event

Organising a Community Event.

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Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 2 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.

Applicant Details

Is the applicant any of the following?*This field is required.

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Booking / Event Details

Will this be a ticketed event?*This field is required.
If hiring a reserve, is a specific section required?
Do you require any additional hire dates?
Age range of participants*This field is required.
Will the nature of your booking and/or the persons attending potentially pose any risk to Town of Bassendean property and/or the safety & wellbeing to Town of Bassendean employees or other persons located at the facility/reserve or other location?
Will the event be advertised or promoted?*This field is required.

Equipment / Entertainment / Access

Electrical Equipment or Facility you intend to use?*This field is required.

Type of Entertainment / Activities you intend to use?*This field is required.

Temporary Structures you intend to use?*This field is required.

If hiring a reserve do you require vehicle access to the reserve or access to power if available?*This field is required.

Liquor Consumption

Will alcohol be consumed during this booking/event?
Will you be selling alcohol during this booking/event?*This field is required.

Liquor Licence

If yes, an application will need to be made via the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor Portal in accordance with the Liquor Control Act 1988. A copy of your liquor licence is to be forwarded to the Town seven (7) days prior to your booking.

Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor Portal


Are you providing food?*This field is required.

If yes, will food be sold or provided free of charge?

If selling food, the trader is required to complete a Stall Holder's Application Form

If selling food, the trader is required to complete a Stall Holder's Application Form

Single Use Plastics
Council Policy 2.15 Single Use Plastics & Balloons

The Town of Bassendean recognises the negative impact single use plastics has on our environment and is committed to reducing the amount used within the Town. Our Single Use Plastics and Balloons Policy provides the requirements and obligations for the purchase, sale and use of single-use plastics and balloons at events on Town managed land. For suitable alternatives please refer to the guidance document 'A guide for eliminating single-use plastics'.

Single Use Plastics and Balloons Policy

A guide for eliminating single-use plastics

EMRC Party Loan Box

Reduce your plastic footprint and party sustainably with EMRC’s party loan box. The kit includes 48 sets of kids plates, cups, cutlery and napkins. A 15L cooler drink mug, cake slicer, serving platters, 2x 4.5m cloth bunting and a ‘Happy Birthday’ ground sign also included. Loan boxes can be collected from the EMRC. To hire, contact EMRC Waste Education on (08) 9424 2271 or [email protected]

Public Liability Insurance

Do you have current public liability insurance?

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx



I declare the information provided in this application is true and correct. I have read and understand the Town of Bassendean Facility and Reserve Terms and Conditions of Hire and are authorised to accept them on behalf of the applicant name previously.  I understand that submitting this application does not secure a booking or event approval and that I will be contacted for further information relating to the hire or event approval process. A booking confirmation or event approval letter will be provided once the hire or event has been confirmed.

Town of Bassendean Facility and Reserve Terms and Conditions of Hire

Acceptance*This field is required.

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