Online Form - Application for a Memorial Seat

The Town of Bassendean facilitates the placement of memorial seats and other infrastructure, as per the Purchase and Placement of Memorial Seats and other Infrastructure Council Policy.

The Town of Bassendean will facilitate the placement of memorial seats as follows:

  1. The whole of life cost of the seating will be at the applicant’s expense through an upfront fee.
  2. The fees for this service will be updated in the annual fees and charges.
  3. The memorial is approved only for people of good public standing in the community.
  4. The Chief Executive Officer will approve the location and design of memorial seating.
  5. The potential for public benefit will be a prime condition in choosing if a suitable location is available.
  6. Memorial seats shall only commemorate a person who is no longer living.
  7. The seat and plaque will be removed at the end of the assets life. The expected asset life of a seat is 10 years; however, this may change depending on the local environmental conditions.
  8. The Chief Executive Officer may authorise the removal of a seat or plaque at any time.
  9. Memorial seats may be moved as part of the management of a park.

Memorial Seat Implementation

  1. Applications for the placement of memorial seats are to be in writing.
  2. All memorial plaques will be to a standard size (no greater than 15cm x 8cm) and be purchased by the applicant through a bronze plaque foundry.
  3. The memorial plaque is to be 3mm bronze or stainless steel or as otherwise approved by the Chief Executive Officer.
  4. The plaque text is to be appropriate for a public setting.
  5. Personal items are not to be fixed to the memorial seat or placed at the base of the seat.
  6. No ashes are to be placed in or near the seat.
  7. Additional plaques may be approved on memorial seats subject to approval from the original applicant or their immediate family.

The Council Policy provides further details regarding removal of memorials. The cost of a memorial seat is based on the Annual Fees and Charges. The cost of a memorial seat as per the 2024/25 Annual Fees and Charges is $3,221 including GST.

Applicant Details

Individual Details

Memorial Details

Please select the preferred option:*

Requests for contributions towards other infrastructure (such as playground or parks upgrades) are to be made in writing to [email protected]

Memorial Plaque Example


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