Fire Information

Prepare for Fire Season  
Protect your property from fire by preparing for fire season.

As fire season approaches, landowners play a critical role in reducing the risk of bushfires and protecting their property, community, and environment. By taking proactive steps, you can minimise the threat of fires and ensure the safety of those around you.

Fire season runs from 1 November to 31 March. By the 31 October, you’ll need to:

  • Clear flammable material from your land.
  • Maintain firebreaks.
  • Safely store flammable materials.
  • Make sure dry grass on your land is no higher than 10cm.
  • Clear flammable material from roofs and gutters.
  • Clear a minimum of three metres around wood piles or similar flammable material.
  • Ensure there is adequate access to water for firefighting purposes and make sure hoses are long enough to reach all areas of your property.

You’ll need to maintain your property to these conditions until 31 March. Please note that Rangers will be conducting proactive inspections throughout the fire season to ensure properties comply with fire safety regulations. Thank you for doing your part to keep your property and the community safe. For more information, contact Town’s Rangers at [email protected] or 08 9377 8000. 

We also recommend creating a bushfire survival plan and keeping emergency contact numbers on hand.

Stay up to date with fire warnings and local fire conditions on the Emergency WA website

By preparing your land and having a solid plan in place, you can help protect lives, property, and the environment during fire season. Let’s work together to stay safe and fire-ready!

Fire Information

Managing fire risk is important to preserve life and reduce the impact of bushfire on property and infrastructure

For further information or clarification, please contact Ranger Services.

Phone: (08) 9377 7480

Email: [email protected]

Limited Burning Periods (Town of Bassendean)

Restricted Period    

1 November to 14 December

Prohibited Period    

15 December to 31 March

Restricted Period    

1 April to 30 April

Open Period            

1 May to 1 November

Burning of Garden Refuse

The burning of garden refuse is not permitted within the district of Bassendean. (Section 24G(2) of the Bush Fires Act 1954; Government Gazette dated 4 Aug 2017 - No. 156 of 2017)

Alternative options include:

  • Mulching your green waste and re-using.
  • Taking your green waste to Red Hill Waste Facility (fees apply).
  • Placing in your green lid bin.

Solid Fuel BBQs, Pizza Ovens, Smokers and Fire Pits

These can be used provided all adequate precautions are taken, and there is no declared Total Fire Ban and or a forecast of high, extreme, or catastrophic fire conditions.

  • Used in an area that is clear for three metres of any combustible material.
  • Used with dry fuel such as seasoned wood, paper and charcoal that creates only minimal smoke.
  • Fire and embers are fully extinguished on completion of cooking.

Total fire ban

BOM website

LPG Barbecues

Gas barbecues can be used at any time on private land and must be five metres away from combustible materials and bush.

For safety reasons, please seek prior approval before using of LPG barbecues on Town of Bassendean reserves. They can only be used if there are no permanent Town barbecues on the reserve for public use.

Firebreaks and Fuel Loads

Each year, the Town of Bassendean's annual Firebreak and Fuel Load Notice is advertised in the local newspaper and Government Gazette. It requires landowners to undertake works to control fires and minimise the spread of fires.  

The Town has a dedicated Fire Control Officer (FCO) that inspects land within the district to ensure owners and occupiers have undertaken the works as required. The FCO also responds to reports of land that is considered a fire hazard during the notice period.

All land is to meet the requirements for the entire notice period beginning from 1 November to 31 March the following year.

Landowners who fail to comply will be issued with an infringement notice and if the property remains non-compliant after this, the Town will organise to carry out the required works. The costs incurred for undertaking the works are fully recoverable from all landowners and occupiers in accordance with the Act.

Firebreak and fuel load notice 2024/2025

Bush Fires Act 1954

Government Gazette No.16 3 Feb 2012 - Restricted/Prohibited Periods

Government Gazette No.156 4 Aug 2017 – Limiting Green Waste Burning

Government Gazette No. 131 29 September 2023 - Firebreak and Fuel Load Notice

Bushfire Prone Areas

The Town has three specific areas identified as Bush Fire Prone areas by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Landowners within these identified areas should undertake additional precautions.

All land in proximity of the Ashfield Flats Reserve, Success Hill Reserve, former Pyrton Site, and the wetland area situated around Lovelock Place, Hyland and Harcourt Streets in Bassendean, is identified as a bushfire prone area.

Bushfire prone areas map 

Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES)

DFES works in collaboration with Western Australian communities and other government agencies to help prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from diverse hazards including fires, cyclones and floods.

Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Alerts and warnings

Offences and Penalties

The Bush Fires Act 1954 places significant responsibility on the person(s) who both light a fire, and or are responsible for control of a fire, and do not take appropriate actions to ensure the requirements of the Act and prescribed legislation are followed and implemented.