Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is the overarching vision that outlines how communities will be developed. 

The strategic planning process broadly involves:  

  • Reviewing economic, environmental and social issues and trends;  
  • Identifying the values, aspirations and needs of the community;  
  • Determining the tasks and objectives that will achieve the vision for the community;  
  • Identifying opportunities and constraints to achieving the vision and objectives; and
  • Putting in place a strategic framework to guide development and land use in order to achieve the vision and objectives.  

Strategic planning involves undertaking studies into relevant issues, broad community engagement and preparation of guiding strategies. The aims of strategic planning are achieved through statutory planning processes. 

Local Planning Strategy

The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 require local governments to prepare a Strategy for each Scheme that is approved for land within its district. The Strategy must:

  • set out the long term planning direction for the local government;
  • and apply any State or regional planning policy that is relevant to the Strategy; and
  • provide the rationale for any zoning or classification of land under the Scheme.

A copy of the current (February 2023) Local Planning Strategy can be found here:

Local Planning Strategy

Further information

The preparation of the draft Local Planning Strategy was informed by a number of State and Town documents, including those below.

BassenDream our Future Engagement Report 

Local Integrated Transport Plan

Built Form and Character Study

Town Centre Masterplan

In mid-2020, the Town of Bassendean, in conjunction with Creating Communities Australia hosted a series of focus groups and interviews with community members who have a stake in the town centre (such as property owners, businesses, community groups, those who registered to be involved in engagement from BassenDream, local residents, State Government and potential investors). These sessions built on the detailed findings of the BassenDream Our Future engagement process to inform the development of some draft concepts for the future revitalisation of the Bassendean Town Centre. These engagements helped to inform the development of some draft masterplan concepts.

 Two further community design workshops were held in mid-April 2021 with landowners, community stakeholders, local businesses and development industry representatives to present draft concept plans (or ideas) in an effort to generate feedback.

 The project then progressed to the third and final stage of community engagement and involved a number of opportunities for the community to provide feedback and talk to staff about the project. At the conclusion of the consultation period, over 600 submissions were received, with considerable support for the Masterplan. 

 Following the review of the submissions, the matter was presented to Council in November 2021, where it unanimously adopted the plan. Key components of the Masterplan include redevelopment of a portion of the Swan District Football Club, creation of a centrally located piazza, future redevelopment of key Crown landholdings and closure of a portion of Old Perth Road to create a pedestrian only zone, which will include amenity such as play elements, seating, shade, alfresco dining and street treatments to separate area from vehicles.  A range of heights are proposed up to 10 storeys, in strategic locations to ensure the retention of heritage and character, and having regard to overlooking and overshadowing.

 As a means of supporting much needed and much wanted town centre development, Council also resolved will take a proactive and flexible view of applications that are consistent with the Masterplan, the desired built form of the precinct, and any comments and/or recommendations provided by the Town’s Design Review Panel. This paves the way for the immediate implementation of the Masterplan ahead of the ongoing review of the local planning strategy and scheme, and the future Precinct Structure Plan.

 Ultimately, the Masterplan is an ambitious but well-considered vision for the Town Centre; one which will hopefully set the tone for future successes within the precinct. The Town thanks all those involved in the process and looks forward to future investment and the creation of a thriving and liveable centre for Bassendean.

Bassendean Town Centre Masterplan

Article in the West Australian - 25 November 2021

Community Survey Engagement Report

Rights of Way Strategy

Private Rights of Ways (ROWs) are separate parcels of land which were originally created to facilitate sanitary collections from the rear of properties prior to the installation of reticulated sewerage.  There are 22 ROWs (a total of 4.9km) within the Town, some of which are made up of multiple parcels of land.

The ownership of ROWs throughout the Town varies.  Despite the majority of ROWs being privately owned, the tenure and management responsibility can be unclear, resulting in some ROWs being in poor condition, creating safety and amenity issues.  ROWs may also facilitate anti-social behavior and are used for illegal dumping and trespassing onto adjacent properties. The placement of utilities and service infrastructure further complicates their usage and management.

In 2021, the Town undertook a review of the ROWs within the district and prepared a ROW Strategy for the ongoing use and management of the ROWs within the district.

At its 22 March 2022 Ordinary Meeting, Council adopted a Rights of Way Strategy, and the Town is progressing the actions for each ROW contained within the Strategy.

Rights of Way Strategy 2022

Public Open Space Strategy

The Town is preparing a Public Open Space Strategy.

Further information will be made available in 2023.

Pedestrian Access Way Strategy

The Town is preparing a Pedestrian Access Way Strategy.


Further information will be made available in 2023.

Structure Plans

Structure Plans provide a basis for zoning (including residential density) and subdivision of land.  

Ashfield Gardens Structure Plan

Local Development Plans

Local Development Plan (LDPs) were formerly referred to as Detailed Area Plans (DAPs) and are an important planning tool that can include specific residential design requirements that supplement the provisions of State Planning Policy 7.3 – Residential Design Codes.  The Town’s adopted LDP’s are as follows:

The Park Estate Local Development Plan

Lot 3 Morley Drive Local Development Plan